Seiyuu Otazatsudan 34

title Seiyuu Otazatsudan 34
date/time 2022.10.04
hosts Matsui Eriko (¾¾°æ·ÃÍý»Ò)
Matsuzaki Rei (¾¾Ö¿Îï)
guest Makino Yui (ËÒÌîͳ°Í)

This was the 33rd broadcast of Seiyuu Otazatsudan. The hosts were Matsui Eriko and Matsuzaki Rei. The guest was Makino Yui.

Yui's latest mini album "Anata to Watashi wo Tsunagu mono" will go on sale 10/5. There are 3 versions, CD + bluray, CD + photobook, and CD only.

[Seiyuu Otazatsudan]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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