Toriseka 89

title Toriseka 89
date/time 2023.09.28
broadcast youtube
host Ohzora Naomi (Âç¶õľÈþ)
Ohwada Hitomi (ÂçÏÂÅÄ¿ÎÈþ)
guests Nagae Rika (Ĺ¹¾Î¤²Ã)

This was broadcast 89 of Toriseka, hosted by Ohzora Naomi and Ohwada Hitomi. The guest was Nagae Rika.

The opening talk had all three seiyuu, and this was the first time they did that on this show.

They sang Happy Birthday and brought out the cake for Rika's birthday. But they took it away right away, and said they couldn't get it unless they cleared the drawing game target.

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