Torotoro Oukoku 10

title Torotoro Ouoku 10
date/time 2020.12.22
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Amano Satomi (天野聡美)
guest Aoyama Yoshino (青山吉能)

This was the 10th broadcast of the monthly program by Amano Satomi. The first part of this program was free, and the last part was members only.

The guest was Aoyama Yoshino.

Satomi and Yoshino were wearing santa hats. Yoshino brought some cakes. Yoshino had a cute cake and wondered how to eat something so cute. But she just grabbed the top part with her fingers and ate it.

This was the first time that Satomi and Yoshino met. They were in the same anime currently, but the recordings were done separately, so they had never met before.

Then Yoshino did the one minute question corner and answered several questions about herself.

[Amano Satomi broadcasts]

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