Yume Kibo Gakuen 13

title Koga Aoi no Habatake! Yume Kibo Gakuen 13
date/time 2021.03.16
broadcast niconico
host Koga Aoi (¸Å²ì°ª)
guest Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 13th broadcast of Yume Kibo Gakuen, hosted by Koga Aoi. The first 40 minutes or so was free, and the rest was for members only. The guest was Ueda Reina.

Reina talked about her autographs. She started about by writing "Reina", but now she only writes "R".

In the next corner, Aoi and Reina had a contest drawing pictures.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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