Torotoro Oukoku 20

title Torotoro Ouoku 20
date/time 2021.10.20
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Amano Satomi (Å·ÌîÁïÈþ)
guest Nanami Kokoro

This was the 20th broadcast of the monthly program by Amano Satomi. The first part of this program was free, and the last part was members only.

The guest was Nanami Kokoro, who was in the same production as Satomi. Both Satomi and Kokoro had a little Halloween ornaments in their hair. Satomi had cat ears, and Kokoro had devil horns.

Kokoro brought some mont blanc desserts for Satomi. Satomi loves sweets and she has sweets all over her house. But Kokoro doesn't like sweets.

Satomi had Kokoro do a one minute quiz to find out more about her.

[Amano Satomi broadcasts]

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