Moeshi Tours 9

title Moeshi Tours 9
date/time 2021.11.15
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)
guest Yamazaki Erii (»³ºê¥¨¥ê¥¤)

This was the 9th broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

The prefecture featured in this broadcast was Saga. The guest was Yamazaki Erii, who had nothing to do with Saga, but she was the first guest on this show.

Moe said the first event for this show will be on 12/18, and the guests will be Iida Riho (afternoon session) and Koyama Momoyo (evening session). Riho is from Saitama and Momoyo is from Hokkaidou, and they will have some prefecture competition with Moe (from Ibaraki).

Erii will have a live "Yamazaki Erii 5th Live Field of Magic" on 11/27. This will be the first time Erii sings with a live band.

Erii will also release her 5th single "Tsuki no Byoushin" on 12/8. Erii said she wrote the lyrics for this song.

In the youtube broadcast, they mostly talked about Erii, and they didn't talk about Saga at all.

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