"11 Jigen no Lena" Hatsubai Kinen Tokuban

title Kondou Reina Concept Album
"11 Jigen no Lena" Hatsubai Kinen Tokuban
date/time 2021.12.01 20:00-
broadcast niconico
host Kondou Reina (¶áÆ£ÎèÆà)

This was a broadcast by Kondou Reina for her concept album "11 Jigen no Rena".

Reina talked in detail about each one of the five songs on the album. She spent so much time talking that the main broadcast was almost 2 hours.

Reina will have her second live "11 Jigen no Lena" on 1/29, 2022 at Shibuya duo Music Exchange.

After the regular broadcast, there was a 20 minute omake for niconico premium members. Reina talked about 2021, which was a very busy year for her.

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