Moeshi Tours 12

title Moeshi Tours 12
date/time 2022.02.21
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)

This was the 12th broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

Moe said she returned from her bout with covid, and she started working again on 2/14. She talked about some of her experiences when she was sick. Her temperature was only around 37.5, but her throat was very sore. She also had a runny nose and a bad cough for a while. Moe also called the Tokyo Support Center and ordered food, but this took almost 2 weeks and she got her food delivered to her just one day before she recovered.

Moe also said that she just stayed home and ate, she gained some weight.

The prefecture featured in the broadcast was Osaka.

After doing a quiz about Osaka, Moe ate some butaman and pudding.

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