Bessatsu My Girl Channel 5

title Bessatsu My Girl Channel 5
date/time 2022.05.18
broadcast youtube, niconico
guest Date Sayuri (°Ë㤵¤æ¤ê)

This was the monthly show for the seiyuu magazine "My Girl". The host is announcer Mori Haruka, and the guest was Date Sayuri.

The first half was free, and the second half was for members only. There is also a special video for members only.

Sayuri was wearing a blue shirt, skirt, and high heels. Both Sayuri and Haruka were from Miyagi Prefecture.

Sayuri said that when she was little, she was very active and played a lot outdoors, like little boys.

Sayuri said she liked idols, so she used to sing and dance when her parents weren't home. But they did see her from time to time.

Sayuri won a seiyuu audition in 2020 to get her role in Love Live Superstar. She said she still sings out loud at home now.

Sayuri said she has finally gotten used to doing radio shows, and now she can be herself. But Sayuri said she still isn't used to getting her photo taken. She can't do different kinds of smiles.

In the members only part, Sayuri will speak into a dummy head mike. Sayuri said this was the first time using a dummy head mike.

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