Moeshi Tours 18

title Moeshi Tours 18
date/time 2022.08.22
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)

This was the 18th broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

There was a large, life-sized tapestry of Ishitobi Erika hanging behind Moe. It was one of the goods for Erika's upcoming event. Moe said she helped pick out the photo for the tapestry.

The prefecture for this broadcast was Ishikawa. Moe said her hair style for this broadcast was Sazae-san, as Ishikawa was famous for seafood (sazae).

At the end, Moe ate some oden from Ishikawa, which was heated very hot. Moe said she couldn't eat hot foods, and had to wait until they cooled off. But there were also some desserts, and Moe ate that.

It was the 10th anniversary for the Seiyuu Gran Prix channel, and there was a campaign for some presents. They were going to give out a keyword on 6 shows on consecutive days between 8/22 and 8/27. This was the first one, and Moe said the keyword was "koe".

[Moeshi Tours]
[Seiyuu Grand Prix internet broadcasts]

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