Moeshi Tours 19

title Moeshi Tours 19
date/time 2022.09.19
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)
guest Ohhashi Ayaka (Â綶ºÌ¹á)

This was the 19th broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

The special guest was Ohhashi Ayaka, and she came on at the beginning of the show. Ayaka came to talk about her photo book that she just released for her 10th anniversary. There were three different covers for the photo book.

Moe said that it was also her 10th anniversary, so they both started working at around the same time.

Ayaka was on the show for about 10 minutes, and after she left, they returned to the normal broadcast.

The prefecture for this broadcast was Yamagata.

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