Moeshi Tours 23

title Moeshi Tours 23
date/time 2023.01.23
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)

This was the 23rd broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

The prefecture for the broadcast was Iwate. Moe said she likes the Touhoku region, and remembered things about Iwate from her days in school.

Moe said she was planning to let her hair grow long, but she couldn't stand it, so she cut her hair about 2cm.

For the food corner, there were some seafood toppings for rice and a box of odango desserts. Moe was given a spoon to take the toppings out of the bottle, but the spoon was too big and it didn't fit.

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