Torotoro Oukoku 35

title Torotoro Ouoku 35
date/time 2023.03.28
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Amano Satomi (Å·ÌîÁïÈþ)

This was the 35th broadcast of the monthly program by Amano Satomi.

There was a big, new "Toro" sign in the back.

Satomi said that she will appear in Nomura Maiko's Maisen Music Fes 2023 event (day 2) this summer.

Satomi showed photo of herself at the 8 Beat Story Exhibit at Gamers. She said she went with her younger sister.

Satomi said that she is part of a new seiyuu group Ciel, and they will have a fan meeting event on 4/22.

[Amano Satomi broadcasts]

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