Moeshi Tours 26

title Moeshi Tours 26
date/time 2023.04.17
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Toyota Moe (Ë­ÅÄ˨³¨)

This was the 26th broadcast of Moeshi Tours, hosted by Toyota Moe.

The prefecture for this broadcast was Yamamashi. Since of the specialties of Yamanashi was peach, Moe had some peach hair ornaments in her hair.

At the beginning of the show, Moe showed some goods for Yamazaki Erii's upcoming event. There were two stirrers with figures of Erii and Mayu.

In the food corner, Moe got a box of peaches and some Shingen Mochi.

[Moeshi Tours]
[Seiyuu Grand Prix internet broadcasts]

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