Torotoro Oukoku 39

title Torotoro Ouoku 39
date/time 2023.07.25
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Amano Satomi (天野聡美)
guest Yamazaki Erii (山崎エリイ)

This was the 39th broadcast of the monthly program by Amano Satomi. The guest was Yamazaki Erii.

Satomi was wearing a jinbei (traditional Japanese summer clothes similar to yukata). Erii also wore one, and said it was the first time in her life that she wore one.

Satomi and Erii said that this was the first time they met in 2023. The last time they met was when Satomi was a guest on Erii's show last year. The next time they meet will probably be when they appear at the Maisen Music Fes 2023 event together in September.

Erii said that people don't do the cute "nyan" cat pose any more. She said that recently people use their two hands to make cat ears, and showed the new cat pose.

Erii will have her 6th live at Zepp Diver City on 7/30. She will also have a live broadcast for it on 7/28.

Erii's new single "Tokimekism" will go on sale 8/9.

[Amano Satomi broadcasts]

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