Kekkonshiki ha Ai no Nakade 230

title Kekkonshiki ha Ai no Nakade 230
date/time 2023.08.26
broadcast youtube
host Nonaka Ai (ÌîÃæÍõ)
guest Yomichi Yuki (ÌëÆ»Àã)

This was the 230th broadcast of the weekly show by Nonaka Ai who acts as a bridal planner. Ai talks with a guest about weddings, and the guest was Yomichi Yuki.

Yuki was wearing a red wedding dress.

Yuki said that she grew up playing the game Dragon Nest, listening to Ai's voice (warrior).

Yuki said that she has no interest in getting married, and they talked a lot about cars and motorcycles. Yuki has a red BMW, and she also has 8 motorcycles.

This broadcast was around 28 minutes, and Yuki will also be a guest next week.

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[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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