Bessatsu My Girl Channel 24

title Bessatsu My Girl Channel 24
date/time 2023.12.17
broadcast youtube, niconico
guests Sasaki Mikoi (º´¡¹ÌṲ́Íè)
Terakawa Aimi (»ûÀî°¦Èþ)
Itou Ayasa (°ËÆ£ºÌº»)

This was the monthly show for the seiyuu magazine "My Girl". The host is announcer Mori Haruka, and the guests were the "Team Y" members Sasaki Mikoi, Ami, and Itou Ayasa.

The first half was free, and the second half was for members only. There is also a special video for members only.

This was the final broadcast of this show, and it was also Ayasa's 3rd time on this show. Ayasa was also the guest on the very first broadcast.

Everyone was wearing matching sweaters of different colors.

The first corner was the survey talk corner, and each seiyuu talked about the other seiyuu instead of themselves.

This year, Team Y released a photobook, a CD, and a video.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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