Ato 8cm ha Nobasemasu 24

title Ato 8cm ha Nobasemasu 24
date/time 2024.01.31 19:00-
broadcast niconico
archive members only
host Date Sayuri (伊達さゆり)
guest Aida Rikako (逢田梨香子)

This was a special live broadcast by Date Sayuri for her solo show. This was a collaboration with Aida Rikako's show "Aitai".

Sayuri said that her desktop calendar just went on sale on 1/26. It's a school calendar that starts in April 2024. She also just had an event for the calendar on 1/27.

Then Sayuri and Rikako pointe out the photos that they liked from the calendar.

Sayuri said that she was very nervous, as Rikako was the guest.

Sayuri and Rikako performed in the Ijigen Fes event together, but there were so many people that they didn't get to talk much.

In the free part, Sayuri and Rikako asked each other questions and played a quiz game to get to know each other better. They discovered that they had some similarities. Both Sayuri and Rikako weren't good at keeping their rooms tidy.

In the members only part, they cooked omlette rice. Both Sayuri and Rikako weren't that great at cooking.

They finished cooking, and this will be continued in Rikako's show "Aitai! Special".

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