AmaneBu 34

title AmaneBu 34
date/time 2023.05.11
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Shindou Amane (¿ÊÆ£¤¢¤Þ¤Í)
guest Sugita Tomokazu (¿ùÅÄÃÒÏÂ)

This was broadcast 34 of the monthly show by Shindou Amane. The guest was Sugita Tomokazu.

Amane did some stage plays during Golden Week. She said that even though the plays had ended, her lines are still in her head.

Tomokazu was wearing a dark boys high school uniform. He stood up and showed his uniform.

Amane and Tomokazu first worked together in a stage play.

At the end of the free broadcast, Tomokazu mentioned that it was Amane's birthday last month, and gave her a present. It was a set of earphones.

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