AmaneBu 39

title AmaneBu 39
date/time 2023.10.29
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Shindou Amane (¿ÊÆ£¤¢¤Þ¤Í)
guest Mineda Mayu (Ê÷ÅÄçýÍ¥)

This was broadcast 39 of the monthly show by Shindou Amane. The guest was Mineda Mayu.

Amane and Mayu were wearing sailor fuku, but they had just a little bit of Halloween decorations. Amane had a black devil headset. Mayu also had headset and some other props.

Mayu showed three of her recent photos. She took a photo when she did an event at Gamers. Mayu also went to visit Mount Fuji, and she currently has her nails with Halloween designs.

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[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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