Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 2

title Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 2
date/time 2019.10.15
seiyuu Waki Azumi (ÏÂÝ椢¤ºÌ¤)
guests Machico

This was the second broadcast of Waki Azumi's solo program. This was a program where Azumi invites guests, and plays games with them.

The guest was Machico.

It was Halloween and Azumi was wearing panda pajamas. She had her hair in double odangos. Machico was also wearing the same pajamas, and also had her hair in double odangos.

The game they played was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Machico said that she will have her first one man live with a live band on 12/14.

Azumi showed some little keychains that she sold at her birthday event. There was a "normal" and "baby" Azumi. The baby Azumi was called "Babumi".

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