Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 35

title Waki Azumi-san ga Login shimashita 35
date/time 2022.07.14
seiyuu Waki Azumi (ÏÂÝ椢¤ºÌ¤)

This was the 35th broadcast of Waki Azumi's solo program.

There was no guest for this broadcast. Azumi was wearing new pajamas, which had a picture of pandas on the front.

The game Azumi played was Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. She played for around 45 minutes with the viewers.

At the end of the free broadcast, Azumi gave out some information. The Voice Actor Card Collection vol. 10 will be Azumi's trading cards, and it will go on sale 9/8, on Azumi's birthday.

Azumi will have a solo acoustic live on 9/24.

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