Mamonaku Jouei Kaishi desu 3

title Mamonaku Jouei Kaishi desu 3
date/time 2024.02.19
broadcast niconico
host Hieda Nene (É£ÅÄÇ«¡¹)

This was the third broadcast of the new monthly show by Hieda Nene.

Nene said she wore cute clothes and did a cute makeup today because it was close to Valentine's Day. She also wore heart shaped earrings.

Nene read lots of mails.

Nene said she didn't like coffee or tea (red), but recently she has started drinking coffee with lots of milk and sugar. She usually only drinks water, even when she goes to the movie theater.

Nene's recommended Valentine movie was "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind".

In the cheki corner, Nene did the pose from the movie "Poor Things". It was a very simple pose and all three cheki that Nene took looked the same.

At the end, Nene announced that there will be a guest in the next broadcast. The guest is Tabuchi Tomoya, a musician in the group Unison Square Garden.

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