Game de Kanpai 100

title Maruoka Wakana no Game de Kanpai 100
date/time 2024.02.07
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Maruoka Wakana (´Ý²¬Ï²ÂÆà)
guest Yuina Mizuki

This was the 100th broadcast of Game de Kanpai, hosted by Maruoka Wakana.

This show started in 2020, and to celebrate the 100th broadcast, Wakana opened a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne.

The guest was Yuina Mizuki, who was the very first guest on this show (broadcast 2).

Both Wakana and Mizuki drank a lot, and read mails. Mizuki was pretty drunk by the time they played the game. The game they played was "Kani no Kenka" (Fight Crab).

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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