Game de Kanpai 80

title Maruoka Wakana no Game de Kanpai 80
date/time 2023.05.03
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Maruoka Wakana (´Ý²¬Ï²ÂÆà)

This was the 80th broadcast of Game de Kanpai, hosted by Maruoka Wakana.

Wakana was wearing a formal black blouse and white long skirt.

This broadcast was a pizza party, and Wakana ate some pizza and drank some cola. There were two pizzas. Wakana said that alcohol is good, but pizza goes best with cola.

The game she played was Crazy Draw.

There will be a Maruoka Wakana Birthday Event on 5/14. There will two sessions at 14:00 and 18:00, and the guests are as follows.

session guests
afternoon Yamane Aya, Wakui Yuu
night Suzumoto Akiho, Maekawa Ryouko

There will also be a broadcast (pay to view) for this event.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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