Game de Kanpai 98

title Maruoka Wakana no Game de Kanpai 98
date/time 2024.01.10
broadcast youtube, niconico
host Maruoka Wakana (´Ý²¬Ï²ÂÆà)

This was the 98th broadcast of Game de Kanpai, hosted by Maruoka Wakana.

The archive for this show moved to the amiami game channel.

This was the first broadcast of 2024, so Wakana got some sushi and white wine. She ate and read lots of mails.

Then Wakana played the game "Soro Soro Sushi wo Tabenaito Shinuze" (Eat Sushi or Die).

Wakana will have a special beoadcast "Snack Waka-sama" on 1/20 at 21:00. It will be a pay for broadcast.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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