Watashi no Jinsei Non Fiction 10

title Watashi no Jinsei Non Fiction 10
date/time 2024.01.10
broadcast niconico
host Suzuhara Nozomi (Î븶´õ¼Â)

This was the 10th broadcast of the monthly show by Suzuhara Nozomi.

This was the first broadcast of the year, and Nozomi was wearing a miko outfit.

Nozomi read many mails and talked for a while. Then in the next corner, she played a board game, "Shinshun Watanon Sugoroku". Nozomi rolled a die to move around the board, and the squares had some games or tasks that she had to do.

One of the squares that Nozomi landed on was "trouble.. studio light". Then the studio became dark, and Nozomi had to light up a couple of lanterns. She continued the game (and broadcast) in the dark, and she even had to play kendama in the dark.

The studio remained dark until the end of the free broadcast.

[seiyuu personal broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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