Majipa in Mandarake Sapporo

title Majipa vol 30 in Mandarake Sapporo
date/time 2016.11.12 18:00-
broadcast niconico
archive none
cost free
seiyuu Hata Sawako (¿Áº´Ï»Ò)
Seriyama Yui

Majipa (¤Þ¤¸¤Ñ) vol 30 was a seiyuu and idol event that took place in Mandarake Sapporo on November 12, 2016. This was a very long event (over 3 hours) and most parts were broadcast on niconico's Lodi channel, a channel dedicated to Hokkaidou girls' events.

The event itself started at 19:00, but the Lodi broadcast started at 18:00.

I just watched the parts around where Hata Sawako appeared.

Sawako's stage began at around 20:35 and her stage was supposed to be around 40 minutes. But the broadcast got cut off at 21:00! It was right in the middle of Sawako's talk session. It seems like there was some niconico limit for the live broadcast at three hours (18:00 to 21:00). They started a new niconico broadcast a couple minutes later, but there were a few minutes missing.

The broadcast of the event itself had the video camera on the left side of the stage, so everything was at an angle. But it wasn't like the camera was just left there to take the video. Someone was there to work the camera, so there were wide shots and also pretty good closeups.

Also after the performers left the stage, there were short interviews of the participants by the two Lodi hosts.

some details

At around 20:25, the camera went to cover the stage by Seriyama Yui. Yui was a seiyuu who did a voice in the game Shinken. She sang a few songs, one of them being "Sweet Little Candy" from the game Shinken.

After Yui's stage one other girl came onto the stage, and they called for Sawako.

Sawako was wearing a light blue (?) sweater and a long white skirt. She had her braided hair tied in the back.

For her self introduction, Sawako said that she was a seiyuu from Mausu Promotion.

Sawako and the two girls sat down on chairs for the talk show. Sawako was on the far left, Yui was in the middle, and the emcee sat on the right.

First there was a quiz for Sawako. If she answered all of the questions correctly, she will get a present. Sawako said she wanted to know what the present was, so she can decide if she should try hard on questions. The present was some Hokkaidou sweets. With some help from the crowd, Sawako answered all three questions, and got the present.

Next there was a question and answer session with Sawako.

Q: What do you do on your days off?
Sawako said she likes to look at travel magazines. She wants to go somewhere, but she actually hasn't gone yet.

Q: How do you care for your throat?
Sawako said she likes to use the "wet mask", but it's too expensive. So she uses two cheap masks and puts wet cotton in between, and it works just like a wet mask.

At 21:00, the first broadcast got cut off. Luckily the second broadcast started around 21:02. But when that broadcast started, Sawako was giving her final comments, and went off the stage right away.

After she went off stage, Sawako went to the back to talk to the Lodi hosts.

Sawako said that this was the first time she came to Hokkaidou in the winter, and it feels very cold. She also said that she will appear in two events for the game Shinken the next day.

Sawako didn't sing any songs but she was on the stage for over 30 minutes. Although there were a few minutes missing, the camerawork for the broadcast was pretty good. Some of the audio wasn't too clear.

[Hata Sawako internet broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]

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