C-Channel 173

title C-Channel 173
date/time 2022.03.18
archive members only
host Izawa Shiori (°æß·»í¿¥)

This was the 173rd broadcast of C-Channel by Izawa Shiori.

Shiori said it was the 15th anniversary of her debut. She said that she made March 12th her official debut date.

Shiori talked about her photos in the Second Shot Catalog. There was a photo of Shiori doing a "heart" pose, even though she wasn't very good at doing that pose. She also said she didn't know how to do too many poses when having her photos taken. Then she tried to show some of her usual poses.

Shiori said that the photos were taken last October.

At the end, the staff showed Shiori the new 500 yen coin, and she said she saw it for the first time today.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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