C-Channel 195

title C-Channel 195
date/time 2023.02.02
archive members only
host Izawa Shiori (°æß·»í¿¥)
guests Konishi Katsuyuki
Mikami Shiori (»°¾å»Þ¿¥)

This was the 195th broadcast of C-Channel by Izawa Shiori. The guests were Konishi Katsuyuki and Mikami Shiori.

Katsuyuki was the announced guest, and they started the show together. Then Mikami Shiori came in carrying a birthday cake, as a secret guest. Izawa Shiori was very surprised, and Katsuyuki said that he had the real script, and she was given a fake script.

Katsuyuki said there was no real script today, and it was all free talk. So they talked for over 40 minutes.

Mikami Shiori spent a lot of time looking through the new photobook by Izawa Shiori.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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