C-Channel 200

title C-Channel 200
date/time 2023.04.14
archive members only
host Izawa Shiori (°æß·»í¿¥)

This was the 200th broadcast of C-Channel by Izawa Shiori.

It was been 8 years and 4 months since the start of the show.

This broadcast was almost one hour, and Shiori made some announcements at the beginning.

There will be a C-Channel event on 7/29, and the guests will be Mikami Shiori for the afternoon session, and Inoue Kazuhiko for the evening session. They also made a T-shirt and key chain for the 200th broadcast.

Shiori will have a talk show at the Ario Sapporo Cosplay Festival 2023 on 4/30.

The second half of this show was talk about some of the previous broadcasts. Shiori said that all 200 broadcasts are available in the archives for the niconico Second Shot Channel members.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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