C-Channel 214

title C-Channel 214
date/time 2023.10.27
archive members only
host Izawa Shiori (°æß·»í¿¥)

This was the 214th broadcast of C-Channel by Izawa Shiori.

This was the Halloween broadcast of C-Channel. The show opened with a short skit by Shiori, and she was dressed as a "devil nurse". It was a maid-like frilly outfit.

Since Shiori was wearing the costume, they got rid of the table for this broadcast.

Shiori will have a talk event at Sendai Koutou Senmon Gakkou Hirose Campus on 10/29 at 14:00. It will be a free event.

At the end of the broadcast, she stood up and did several poses.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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