C-Channel 218

title C-Channel 218
date/time 2024.01.05
archive members only
host Izawa Shiori (°æß·»í¿¥)

This was the 218th broadcast of C-Channel by Izawa Shiori.

This was the first broadcast of 2024, and this was the 10th year of this show. Shiori just realized that the previous broadcast was the 9th anniversary.

They listed some of the things happening in 2024.

  • In July, there will be new bills (paper money) in Japan.
  • In August, the Olympics will take place in Paris.
  • In November, it will be the 50th anniversary of Hello Kitty.
Shiori's birthday event "Mission No.0201" will take place on 1/28. There will be two sessions, 14:00 and 18:00.

[Second Shot Channel internet broadcasts]

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