Atelier Reina 67

title Atelier Reina 67
date/time 2022.08.20
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 67th broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show.

Reina likes to wear cute clothes with straps, but she said the straps always keep sliding down her shoulder.

In the opening, Reina read out a list of the top floating sushi stores in Toyama prefecture. But she said she hadn't been to any of them. Reina said that she was very surprised when she came to Tokyo, and saw how small the sushi was. She said the sushi in Toyama is much bigger than the ones in Tokyo. But Reina can't eat that much so she likes the smaller sizes.

Reina said she is in the current One Piece movie "One Piece Film Red", doing the role of Chibi Bepo.

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