Atelier Reina 69

title Atelier Reina 69
date/time 2022.10.22
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 69th broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show.

Reina wore a green outfit so it matches the color of the studio.

Reina will be on the cover of the next issue of Seiyuu Grand Prix (December 2022 issue), going on sale 11/10. In addition to the cover and photos, there is a long interview.

This was he 6th anniversary broadcast of this show, that started in 2016. Reina recalled and talked about some of the things she talked about about in previous broadcasts. They also showed many photos.

[Atelier Reina]
[Seiyuu Grand Prix internet broadcasts]

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