Atelier Reina 73

title Atelier Reina 73
date/time 2023.02.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 73rd broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show.

Reina was wearing a brown sweater with pink and red designs. She was also wearing a brown skirt, and stood up to show it. Reina said she wanted to wear something for Valentine's Day, and that her clothes were like chocolates.

The Seiyuu Grand Prix March issue is on sale now, and it comes with À¼Í¥Ì¾´Õ 2023 ½÷À­ÊÔ (seiyuu meikan 2023 joseihen). Reina is featured on page 16 of this booklet.

Also Reina talked about Kitou Akari's photobook "my pace", which was a self produced photobook by Akari. Reina showed one photo (her favorite) from the book.

[Atelier Reina]
[Seiyuu Grand Prix internet broadcasts]

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