Atelier Reina 81

title Atelier Reina 81
date/time 2023.10.28
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 81st broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show.

This was the 7th anniversary of this show. Reina said that a lot has happened in the 7 years, as her hairstyle has changed a few times. Also the studio had changed a few times too. It actually changed this month, and Reina showed the background, which was a real background and not a digital one.

After the break, there was a surprise cake for Reina.

Then she talked about the genga exhibit which will take place next month, at the Gallery and Craft in Sugamo between 11/15 and 11/26. The title of the event will be "Ligne", and they also showed the image.

Reina spent the whole show showing off all of the gengaten goods that have been made so far. The ticket to get into the exhibit is an electronic ticket with the smartphone, but there will be physical paper tickets given to those who enter.

There will be 3 different acrylic stands of Reina. She had been too embarrassed make a acrylic stands before, but she realized it would be nice to be able to take the stand around and take pictures at various places.

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