Atelier Reina 82

title Atelier Reina 82
date/time 2023.11.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 82nd broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show. Reina did this broadcast from the genga exhibit hall.

The genga exhibit "Ligne" runs from 11/15 to 11/26. Reina was seated at a table in a large room with many of her drawings hanging on the walls.

Reina read a lot of mails from viewers who went to the first few days of the exhibit.

At the end, Reina showed the gacha machine that's available at the exhibit. She tried it, and got a small magnet. Then she tried a few more times.

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