Atelier Reina 84

title Atelier Reina 84
date/time 2024.01.20
broadcast niconico, youtube
seiyuu Ueda Reina (¾åÅÄÎïÆà)

This was the 84th broadcast of Ueda Reina's monthly show.

Reina had her birthday recently, and turned 30. She said she always wanted to become 30 when she was younger.

Reina said she also went to a health checkup, and her results were good. She said she had a lot of fun during the checkup.

Reina got a chocolate cake for her birthday. After taking some pictures, she said she will eat later. Reina also got a bag of presents.

Then Reina read lots of birthday mails.

At the end, Reina announced that there will be an event on 1/28 for her other radi show Himitsubako.

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