WUG-chan to WUG wo Miyou ep7-ep9

title WUG-chan to WUG wo Miyou ep7-ep9
date/time 2017.08.24 19:00-
hosts Eino Airi (永野愛理)
Okuno Kaya (奥野香耶)
Takagi Miyu (高木美佑)
archive none

This was a special broadcast on WUG Channel, where they showed an episode of the Wake Up Girls TV anime. The hosts were Airi, Kaya, and Miyu.

The opening picture was drawn by Airi. She drew it in the image of the Koushien baseball tournament, that just ended.

In the first half, they talked about the current 4th Live Tour. They showed the pamphlet for the tour.

In the second half, they watched Wake Up Girls episode 7. In the members only broadcast, they watched episodes 8 and 9.

[WUG Channel]
[WUG members broadcasts]

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]