Homerun Radio! Patto UP 147

title Homerun Radio! Patto UP 147
date/time 2018.07.31 20:00-
seiyuu Yuuki Kana
Eino Airi (±ÊÌî°¦Íý)
guest Takeda Aina

This was the 147th broadcast of Homerun Radio Patto UP, a live broadcast by Yuuki Kana and Eino Airi. The guest was Takeda Aina from the group 22/7, who was wearing a Chiba Lotte Marines uniform.

Aina said she is from Chiba, so she became a Lotte fan by watching the Marines.

Kana and Airi were very happy at the beginning of the broadcast as the Lions and Eagles were winning. But during the broadcast they became sad, as their teams gave up runs. But Kana became very happy when the game ended and the Lions won.

[seiyuu internet broadcasts]
[Homerun Radio! Patto UP]

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