Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 30

title Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 30
date/time 2021.07.01
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)

This was the 30th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's solo program.

Mayu will appear at the Nanasis (Tokyo 7th Sisters) 7th Live this weekend, 7/3 and 7/4. So mayu colored her hair for this live. This was going to be Mayu's first live where the crowded couldn't yell and do the calls.

The game Mayu played was "Bio Hazard Village". Mayu played the horror game that she hates for around 30 minutes.

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