Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 11

title Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 11
date/time 2021.11.24
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
guest Yamane Aya (»³º¬åº)

This was the 11th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's SF show.

At the beginning of the show, Mayu played guitar and sang the song "Marigold". She was very happy when she finished, successfully.

Mayu said her next goal was to play the guitar and sing in front of fans at an event.

The guest was Yamane Aya.

Mayu showed her recommended Starbucks drink for this month. It was a "toasted white chocolate frappuchino".

Aya said she was in a keion band in high school, so she learned how to play guitar. She can also play drums, as she played it for the show "Show by Rock".

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