Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 12

title Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 12
date/time 2021.12.22
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
guest Yamazaki Erii (»³ºê¥¨¥ê¥¤)

This was the 12th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's SF show.

Although this was the December broadcast, Mayu didn't wear a santa oufit. She said she might next year. But there was an image of a santa flying through space on the background window.

The guest was Yamazaki Erii.

Mayu's recommended Starbucks drink for this month was "ginger bread latte" and "caramel almond milk".

Erii had finished drinking her caramel almond milk before she was called as a guest.

Erii said this was the first time she appeared as a guest on Mayu's show. They had appeared on many shows together and Mayu was a guest on Erii's show, but this was the first time Erii came to Mayu's show. They both appeared at the Voice Star Daikanshasai event together, but they didn't win any prizes. Mayu said she enjoyed watching Erii doing various things at the event.

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