Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 13

title Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 13
date/time 2022.01.26
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
guest Satou Hinata (º´Æ£Æü¸þ)

This was the 13th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's SF show.

The guest was Satou Hinata.

Mayu showed her Starbucks recommendation, and it was a "baked and creamy nama white chocolate frappuchino". There was also a "triple nama chocolate frappuchino" for Hinata.

Mayu and Hinata have worked in the same anime and game before, but this was the first time they actually talked. They also have some common friends, but they haven't run into each other that much before.

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