Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 17

title Mayu Telepathy Tsukaerundesukedo 17
date/time 2022.05.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
guest Kuroki Honoka (¹õÌڤۤιá)

This was the 17th broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's SF show.

Mayu had a 4U live in Sapporo this month. She said it was her first real live in a while, where she was on the stage the whole time. She will has 4U lives in Fukuoka and Tokyo in June.

The guest was Kuroki Honoka.

The Starbucks drink that Mayu introduced was the strawberry frappuchino.

Honoka did the psychology tests.

The seiyuu group Soundorion will have a oneman live in October.

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