Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 51

title Mayu Shiritsu Yoshioka Koukou Tsuushinka 51
date/time 2023.04.06
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yoshioka Mayu (µÈ²¬çýÍ´)
phone in guest Honizumi Rina

This was the 51st broadcast of Yoshioka Mayu's solo program.

Mayu was pretty depressed from the beginning of the show, as she will have to play a horror game today. She was holding the big stuffed yellow bird.

The game Mayu played was the horror game "Zero -Tsukihame no Kamen-" (Îí-·î¿ª¤Î²¾ÌÌ-). Mayu called Honizumi Rina on the phone, to keep her company while she played.

Mayu played for around 40 minutes.

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