Yamashita Nanami Shinbangumi Happyou niconama

title Yamashita Nanami Shinbangumi Happyou niconama
date/time 2019.07.16
broadcast niconico
host Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)

This was the first broadcast of the new program on the Voice Garage Channel by Yamashita Nanami. This was Nanami's second solo program. This broadcast was a live broadcast, but the other broadcasts will be recorded.

Since this was the first broadcast, Nanami answered various questions from the viewers.

Nanami said she did an "orange" make today.

The first half of the broadcast was free, and the second half was members only.

Nanami said that she wants to go to various locations, and didn't want to stay in the studio. She wants to wear many clothes and take lots of pictures. Nanami said she wants to eat and shop.

After reading many mails, she asked for ideas about the title for this show. "Koko Doko?" was the one chosen by viewers, but Nanami said she will announce the name when the show actually starts.

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