Nanamin no Negoto 23

title Nanamin no Negoto 23
date/time 2020.12.24
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)
guest Okuno Kaya (±üÌî¹áÌí)

This was the 23rd broadcast of Yamashita Nanami's solo program.

The show opened with Okuno Kaya sitting by herself, wearing a santa hat. Kaya said Nanami went out to buy some pizza, so Kaya did the opening by herself.

Then Nanami came with the pizza. Nanami also sat down and put on a santa hat. Nanami was wearing a Christmas party like outfit.

The game that they played was "Altdeus Beyond Chronos", a VR game that went on sale 12/4. Kaya does the voice of one of the main characters. Nanami put on a VR headset and played the game.

The next broadcast will be 1/21.

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