Nanamin no Negoto 26

title Nanamin no Negoto 26
date/time 2021.03.18
broadcast niconico, youtube
host Yamashita Nanami (»³²¼¼·³¤)

This was the 26th broadcast of Yamashita Nanami's solo program.

Nanami was wearing a maid outfit. Nanami said this was probably the first time that she wore a real maid outfit. It was one with a long skirt. In the opening, Nanami also tried to talk very politely like a maid.

Nanami read some mails about her recent events. She talked about her live for the group Non Sugar in March. It was a real live, and Nanami said she had some trouble with her outfit. She had to leave the stage for a while during one of the songs to fix her outfit.

The game Nanami played was "Untitled Goose Game" for the Switch.

The next broadcast will be 4/15.

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